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Road Hard

There has been so much talk about this film that I just had to see it. After failing to download it via Itunes (after waiting 45 minutes to a big fat FAIL - but of course was definitely charged the $6.99 anyway- assholes !) We ended up just paying a few bucks extra and watched it On Demand. Which of course, was way easier and I should have obviously just done that from the beginning.

If you are an Adam Carolla fan, then you probably know by now that this film has " a lot of heart". Yup it does- probably more than I wanted to see- but that's just me. The weirdest thing about this movie is that even though it's not a "true story" or a biography by any means- there are so many aspects of the film that relate to Carolla's real life that you can't help but compare it. He doesn't play himself but some comedians do, like David Allen Grier and Howie Mandel. But Jay Mohr -who is even more recognizable than say Dana Gould is, plays a "Jimmy Kimmel" type character, not himself. Which again, goes back to Adam's real life. The crossover from script to real life made it hard to not see it as a film about Adam Carolla- which is why, I hated the ending. But I didn't hate the movie.

I actually really liked it. It just wasn't what I expected it to be. Sometimes, especially for me, when there is too much hype- it fucks with your head and you sort of already imagine what the movie will be about- thus creating a false image that the actual movie will never live up to. (My use of the word thus makes me sound professional. I probably used it in the sentence wrong anyway..)

This movie has an interesting story line. Giving you some insight to the Stand Up Comedy world that maybe you didn't already know. Traveling, being away from your family, the non so guarantee of anything - your career - your paycheck. The parts that maybe as a fan you forget because you are too busy laughing and having a good time. Not necessarily thinking or even caring about what your favorite comic does after he leaves the club. How many more shows does he have to do tonight? Was this the only one or is he going to another club after?

I wanted to see this movie because I love stand up. I love going to comedy clubs, watching stand up specials on TV or just listening to them in the car while I'm stuck in some bull shit LA traffic because they put me in a good mood and I love laughing! By the way, who doesn't? Who doesn't like to laugh? Ugh, well actually, a lot of people come to find out. It's annoyingly hard to find friends who want to come with me to see a comedy show. I don't understand it. Is everyone retarded? I think that being able to stand on a stage by yourself with nothing except a mic and stare out at a usually drunk, foolish crowd- big or small and have the fucking balls to say anything, anything at all - funny or not- is just the most INSANE profession and I am envious and maybe a slight bit jealous of anyone that can and will actually do it.

So anyway, go see this film. What do you care what I think? I definitely over analyzed it because I can't help but do that. It did what I believe it set out to do. It was a film about the life of a comic once his career starts to flat line. Good things happen bad things happen and a bunch of funny shit happens in between. Did you already see it? Do you agree with me or what? Let me know what you think because unlike you- I care about your opinions.

 what's it to ya: 


    Stay tuned for some crap about vintage, home interiors, films, TV, fashion, and everything that I find funny. Maybe I'll even learn something - but probably not.












  PS - this is how I got the news before twitter.

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